martes, 27 de octubre de 2009


I was played and like a six year old I fell for it...
You wanted to prove something?
You did
You proved me wrong, I trusted you, you showed me my mistake...
So thanks, because I fell for it, I'm only human, but you had no right to play with me...

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

There's a person I dream about that I don't think I'll ever find...

I think it's safe to assume I'll be bleeding soon =/
"I'm so in love with a guy who doesn't even know my name"
To be honest I don't even think he knows I exist....

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

Silly me

I know it's a silly, dumb question, I know that after a while, passion sort of ends, and I am aware that it's kind of a young, naive question, but yet here I am wondering, can there be love when there's no passion? when you can rationally say there's no point in being jelaous? when you can admit that you do not mind what the other person does because all you are going to get is an ulcer? well, yes you are going to get an ulcer from being too jealous, from being always wondering what is the other person doing, but come on, you can not possibly not be jelaous, you can trust the other person with your soul but come on! you can't control it! no one can possibly be that rational with someone they love, period, I believe that.
And yes I'm aware of how naive I'm sounding, but come on! at 20 you either have passion or you are not in love, I'm sorry.

(Maybe I'm being too girly girl, I mean after all we are the ones supposed to be controled by our emotions... but I believe that without passion there's no love)

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Hace mucho no escribo...
No he tenido ganas ni tiempo
No he querido purgar el alma y escribir
Escribir que estoy rabiosa con todo el mundo y que casi todo el mundo está rabioso conmigo
Que de alguna manera me aleje de todos y aquí estoy yo, sola de nuevo y no sé como ni porque, por que esta vez no lo hice a propósito, esta vez no puse a nadie por encima de mis amigos y sin embargo siento que me alejo...
No sé que estoy haciendo y no sé porque no me detengo...

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009

No se que pasa conmigo
Realmente no tengo ganas de hablar con nadie, ni de que me hable nadie y eso incluye msn... lo cual es raro porque hablar por msn normalmente no me afecta...
No quiero saber de nadie y por mi el mundo se puede acabar ya...

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

No sé que me pasa, estando en Cartagena quiero estar en Bogotá, estando en Bogotá extraño Cartagena... creo que tal vez solo tiene que ver con el estudio, tengo mucho estres, eso es todo y en Cartagena... no es tan fácil estudiar...
Realmente espero que sea solo eso =S